Five Year Summary (IFRS 16)


Share price


Share price

  £m   31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
31 Dec 2021
31 Dec 2020
31 Dec 2019
Income statement (full year ended)          
Revenue 2,958 2,751 2,227 2,432 2,593
Cost of sales (2,354) (2,182) (1,885) (2,377) (2,043)
Expected credit (losses)/reversal on trade receivables (15) 6 (99) (35) (2)
Gross profit (centre contribution) 589 575 243 20 548
Selling, general and administration expenses (443) (427) (328) (367) (279)
Share of (loss)/profit of equity-accounted investees, net of tax (1) (1) (2) (3) 3
Operating profit/(loss) 145 147 (87) (350) 272
Finance expense (348) (287) (198) (266) (229)
Finance income 14 35 26 3 1
(Loss)/profit before tax for the year from continuing operations (189) (105) (259) (613) 44
Income tax (expense)/credit (27) 32 (10) (30) 22
(Loss)/profit for the year from continuing operations (216) (73) (269) (643) 66
Profit/(loss) after tax for the year from discontinued operations - 1 59 (4) 385
(Loss)/profit after tax for the year (216) (72) (210) (647) 451
  (Loss)/earnings per ordinary share (EPS):          
Attributable to ordinary shareholders          
Basic (p) (21.4) (6.9) (20.4) (67.9) 50.5
Diluted (p) (21.4) (6.9) (20.4) (67.9) 49.6
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (‘000s) 1,006,685 1,006,885 1,007,215 892,738 892,738
From continuing operations          
Basic (p) (21.4) (7.0) (26.2) (67.8) 7.4
Diluted (p) (21.4) (7.0) (26.2) (67.8) 7.3
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (‘000s) 1,006,685 1,006,885 1,007,215 892,738 892,738
  Balance sheet data (as at)          
Intangible assets 1,128 1,148 782 749 720
Right-of-use assets 4,372 5,009 5,254 5,647 5,917
Property, plant and equipment 1,027 1,225 1,122 1,209 1,273
Net investment in finance leases 97 147
Deferred tax assets 451 457 386 188 195
Other assets 1,017 1,041 849 1,100 781
Cash and cash equivalents 110 161 78 71 67
Total assets 8,202 9,188 8,471 8,964 8,953
Current liabilities 2,747 3,020 2,267 2,435 2,140
Non-current liabilities 5,370 5,856 5,870 6,015 5,933
Equity 85 312 334 514 880
Total equity and liabilities 8,202 9,188 8,471 8,964 8,953

1. The comparative information has been restated to reflect the impact of discontinued operations (note 9, annual report).
2. The comparative information has been restated as the Group changed its accounting policy on deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction due to amendments to IAS 12 (note 2, annual report).

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